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Choose the right approach

Taking no action is simply not an option in today’s threat landscape. We recommend integrating security measures into a broader business continuity plan. This not only helps secure data but also ensures your organization’s resilience in case of incidents.

Progression is ready to assist you in advising, implementing, and managing a Business Continuity Plan tailored to your specific needs.


Progression offers a complete package of products and services for the prevention, detection, and recovery from security vulnerabilities.

  • Prevention: Implementation of advanced firewalls, access control, and managed services such as periodic updates, anti-malware, and system maintenance.
  • Detection: Our Security Asset Management (SAM) solution provides continuous monitoring and detection of threats in your network traffic.
  • Solution: Progression also offers a comprehensive data breach service to respond quickly and effectively to incidents.


A solid IT and security policy is crucial for any business. The importance of good security measures has only increased in recent years, with the ongoing threats of cyberattacks and data breaches. Organizations must continually adapt their security strategy to the latest technological developments to minimize risks.

Some essential security measures every organization should consider include:

  • Appropriate Organizational and Technical Measures: Implementing robust processes and technologies to ensure the security of data is paramount.
  • Stay Up-to-Date with Technological Developments: Regular updates, patches, and upgrades are essential to mitigate security risks.
  • Security Officer: For medium and large businesses, it may be necessary to appoint a dedicated Security Officer to oversee all aspects of data protection and security.
  • Strict Consent and Data Management: Managing personal data requires careful attention to consent and compliance with current regulations.

An effective security strategy not only helps your organization protect against potential threats but also supports business continuity by ensuring the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of your data.

  • Next-Generation Firewall
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Preventive Penetration Testing
  • Proactive Up-to-Date Environment